Adopt A Pet! Pet over population is a fatal crisis, spay and neuter! Why
Breed or Buy? Please
contact us should any of the numbers below be incorrect, We want to keep this information up to date. Baja Animal
Sanctuary FERAL Cat
Coalition |
Adopt a
Pet Akita
Rescue Aztec
Doberman Rescue Basset Hound
Rescue Beagle &
Buddies Border Collie
Rescue Boxer
Rescue Cairn Terrier
Rescue Chinese Shar
Pei Rescue Chula Vista
Animal Shelter Dachsund
Rescue of San Diego Domestic
Animal Control El Cajon
Animal Shelter Escondido
Humane Society FOCAS Foundation
for Care of Friends of
Rescued Animals German
Shepherd Rescue Golden
Retriever Rescue Great
Pyreness Rescue Greyhound
Pets of America |
House Rabbit
Society Helen
Woodward Animal Center Keeshound
Rescue Lab Rescue -
So. California North County
Animal Shelter North County
Humane Society Norwegian
Elkhound Rescue Operation
Greyhound Parrot
Education and Adoption Pet Welfare
Foundation Pug
Rescue Rancho
Coastal Humane Society Rottweiler
Rescue San Diego
County Animal Shelter San Diego
Animal Shelter (Southbay) San Diego
Humane Society Siberian
Husky Rescue Turtle &
Tortoise Society Wee
Companions Weimaraner
Rescue West Highland
Terrier Rescue of CA |